Saturday, December 14, 2019

Northern Luzon Road Trip – Cape Engano Lighthouse – Palaui Island, Cagayan

This is our Philippines
– Northern Luzon Road Trip – Cape Engano Lighthouse – Palaui Island, Cagayan
Also known as Faro de Cabo Engaño, Cape Engaño Lighthouse is
a historic lighthouse situated atop the summit of a hill on Palaui Island. It
is one of the four lighthouses erected during the Spanish Colonial period which
served as a guide for seafaring vessels coming from the Pacific Ocean.
Construction begun on September 21, 1888 and was completed on December 31,
1892. Most of the laborers who helped with the construction of this lighthouse were
The Spaniards named it “Engaño” because when they first set
foot on the cape they were so stunned by its natural beauty. Strategically it
overlooks both the Pacific Ocean and Babuyan Channel which makes the lighthouse
very useful for navigators during rough seas.
You are required to get a tour guide once you reach the
island. Ours were 300 peso per 4 people. They will be the ones to take you to
the top of the mountain to see the lighthouse itself and enjoy the views. The
trek is not hard, but it is not for the faint at heart either. Someone said it
was 300 steps you had to climb up. I think that is a low count, but I could be
wrong in that.
It was very hot on the way up and any breaks were very
welcomed. I would suggest you bring water, snacks or anything else you want.
There is nothing either at the lighthouse or as you climb up to it. There are
stores once you reach back down at the bottom and that is your only option.

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#PalauiIsland #CapeEnganoLighthouse #HistoricPhilipineLighthouse
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#capeengañocove #capeenganocove #palauiisland #staana #cagayan #philippines

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Northern Luzon Road Trip – The Boat Ride – Palaui Island

After a day of rain and gloomy weather that hampered our
activities during our first day, the sky finally cleared. Just in time! Our
plans for today included a boat ride to the beautiful island of Palaui, just
off the coast of Sta. Ana in Cagayan. The boat tours are governed by the coast
guard and they are not allowed to leave the port unless they can be sure the seas
are safe for travel for the most part.  
The Port of San Vicente in Santa Ana, Cagayan, is the
jump-off point for crossing the channel to Punta Verde (Point Verde) on Palaui
Island, or heading to Engaño Cove, a little further to the north. There the
tourism companies have a small office and you can hire a boat for the day to
take you out to Paluai Island and a few other stops they have along the way. It
depends on what you would like to see and the time you have to see them. I
would highly suggest you make it a full day to enjoy a lot of what they have to
offer. We did, and we still wanted to do more.
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#NorthernLuzonRoadTrip #SantaAna #SantaAnaPier #PalauiIsland #BoatRides

Saturday, December 7, 2019

This is our Philippines – Northern Luzon Road Trip – Santa Ana Market – ...

“Gutom na kami ni Kuya” or “Sir, we are hungry”
… Now, where have I heard that before? With this crowd it is every few minutes
it seems. They always need to be eating! So, off to the market we go. I follow
along as Maly and Grandma look over every shrimp, shell, squid and crab they
can find. They run from one side to the other to make sure the seafood they get
is the best one possible. 2 kilos of this, 3 kilos of that. When it is all said
and done, we have enough to feed a kingdom, I think.
All this was brought back to the resort we were
staying at and the fine staff at Jotays Beach Resort cooked us up a scrumptious
lunch! They prepared shrimp in garlic butter, spicy crab, a squid dish and the
shells. It looked like World War 3 had just ended by the time we got through
eating. Although there were some leftovers, it gave everyone something to snack
on in the afternoon and plenty for the evening meal!
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#NorthernLuzonRoadTrip #JotayBeachResort #SantaAna #WetWildDay

Thursday, December 5, 2019

This is our Philippines – Northern Luzon Road Trip – Santa Ana – Wet and...

Our Northern Luzon Road trip to
Santa Ana did not start off as we had planned. Just as we were about an hour away
from our destination, we encountered heavy winds and strong rain from a
tropical depression that was passing by. Being this close, we continued on for
the night to make it to Jotay Beach Resort where we would be staying.
On our arrival and even in a
pouring rain, the staff at Jotay Beach Resort went out of their way to make
sure we all got to our rooms. They even went and got a large beach umbrella to
help try to keep some of the rain off of us as we tried to bring some of the
needed necessities in. I should have gotten that on tape, but was too busy
trying to stay dry myself.

The next morning, we woke up to a cloudy morning. I walked down to the beach,
but the waves were still strong from the storm. There would be no boating today
it looked like. That did not mean we were going to sit around sulking all day!
There is still a way to have fun when you choose to! We would not let the kids
get too far out, but we did let them play on the beach. The waves crashing in
were fun to play in. We all had a great time although it was wet and wild this
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#NorthernLuzonRoadTrip #JotayBeachResort #SantaAna #WetWildDay

Saturday, November 30, 2019

This is our Philippines – Northern Luzon Road Trip – Eating at Robinsons...

While on our Northern Luzon Road
trip, our first stop for food was at Robinsons Mall in Tuguegarao. The food
court there has a large variety of food to choose from. It is a good place to
get food for everyone and not just have to all eat the same thing.
The one group likes to eat the papaitan.
The name of this dish was derived from the Filipino word “Pait”, which means
“bitter”. Papaitan is one of the famous dishes of the Ilocanos which
consist of different goat or beef innards such as tripe, liver, kidney,
intestine, pancreas, and heart. Originally, the goat innards were used for this
dish but because of the introduction of cooking variation and substitution,
beef innards were also used. Nope, I did not try this!
The kids relied on their usual
Jollibee chicken. Who can blame them with everyone else eating the papaitian. This
would be their last Jollibee visit for a few days, so they were glad we
I had a sizziling sisig that was
just right! Mixed with the rice, it made a perfect dinner for me. I also added
a plate of the BBQ pork as well. It is a treat I look forward to whenever we
stop here at the Robinsons Mall in Tuguegarao.
Before getting on the road again,
we walk the mall to go to Watson’s. This is a local pharmacy in the
Philippines. It is just a short impromptu tour of the rest of Robinsons Mall.

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#NorthernLuzonRoadTrip #RobinsonsMall #Tuguegarao #CagayanValley #WeAreHungry

Thursday, November 28, 2019

This is our Philippines – Northern Luzon Road Trip – Cagayan Chocolate H...

Rain or shine, we are going to travel! We had planned this Northern Luzon trip and were not gonna let a little storm keep us from going. The rain was not to bad going up to Tuguegarao which would be our first stop for food on the way up.

As we come through the Cagayan Valley the views are just awesome up through this route. I often refer to this section of the country as the Chocolate Hills of the Cagayan Valley. The perfectly formed round tops and the green pastures make them very beautiful to view. If it would not have been raining, we might could have gotten some better views than we did. Even then, a camera just does not do justice to seeing it on your own.

As we come into Tuguegarao, we must cross the Buntun Bridge. Buntun Bridge is a river bridge that stretches from Tuguegarao City to Solana in Cagayan and spans the Cagayan River, the largest river basin in the Philippines. It is the second longest bridge in the country, after San Juanico Bridge, and forms part of the Santiago-Tuguegarao Road, a major junction of the Pan-Philippine Highway.

A popular belief is that the bridge is long enough for a person to recite the entire Philippine National Anthem while traversing it. Anyone care to try?

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#ThisIsOurPhilippines #NorthernLuzonRoadTrip #ChocolateHills #CagayanValley #BuntunBridge #Tuguegarao #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, November 23, 2019

This is our Philippines – Ilagan Japanese Tunnel – Kimono and Pictures

The outside garden of the Ilagan Japanese
Tunnel has been designed to look like the 
parks of Japan. Outside is a Shinto shrine similar to those in Japan and a
replica of an old Japanese jet plane. Just to the other side of the road is a
small zen garden. The landscaping around it gives a peaceful vibe and makes a
great place to take photos.
For photo taking opportunities you are able to
rent a Kimono and roam around the area for just 50 pesos. You can take awesome
pictures whilst in a Japanese Traditional Dress carrying a Japanese umbrella
for a more authentic feel. You can have your hair styled as the Geisha’s as
well. Just check out some of the pictures we took while there!
How to Get There:
Take a bus or van to Ilagan or Tuguegarao City
if you’re coming from Manila and alight at Bonifacio Park in Ilagan. There’s an
Information Center at the park where a guide can take you to the Ilagan
Japanese Tunnel.

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#IlaganJapaneseTunnel #JapaneseTunnelPhilippines #Kimono #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, November 21, 2019

This is our Philippines – Ilagan Japanese Tunnel Ilagan City, Isabela

The Ilagan Japanese Tunnel was built during the
Japanese colonization in the Philippines. The Japanese used many tunnels that
were built for defensive purposes. Mostly, the Ilagan tunnel served as
headquarters for Japanese soldiers and as an arsenal of the Japanese Imperial
Army during World War II. Inside this Japanese tunnel in Isabela, you'll find
machine guns, bombs, explosives and different ammunition. The tunnel is divided
into chambers or compartments that acted as makeshift offices or quarters of
Japanese soldiers and sometimes used as dungeons for prisoners of wars. This
tunnel is also believed to be a place where Yamashita treasures such as Golden
Buddha replicas, gold bouillons, coins, diamonds, platinum and other vintage
items that survived the war were kept. 
Although there may be a majority who think that
the Ilagan Japanese War Tunnel is a cave, it is actually a man-made tunnel
constructed by imprisoned local Filipinos. Because of their sweat and blood,
this Japanese war tunnel in Isabela came to being. 
Take a bus or van to Ilagan or Tuguegarao City if you’re coming from
Manila and alight at Bonifacio Park in Ilagan. There’s an Information Center at
the park where a guide can take you to the Ilagan Japanese Tunnel.

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#IlaganJapaneseTunnel #JapaneseTunnelPhilippines #LivinginthePhilippines

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

This is our Philippines – The Road Ahead – Wednesday Update

Wow, thanks to all those who are
subscribers and those that just watch our channel! We really enjoyed seeing all
the views this week and the comments that were made! We really hope you enjoyed
the past two videos. As we grow with the store, we hope to have some more
videos to show how we manage a sari sari store in the Philippines in the
It was also great seeing all those
that commented on our video on how we met. It may have not been a Cinderella story
from Disney, but for us it was an interesting time. We have enjoyed each moment
we have been together since that day we met.
Upcoming videos! Did you know there
are Japanese Tunnels in Isabela? We will bring that video to you this weekend!
We had a wonderful drive up through the country side to Ilagan. The tunnel tour
was short and no pictures were allowed, but the ladies had a blast as they got
to dress in the traditional Kimono and walk around and take selfies! Hope you
will watch those videos this weekend!
Have you liked our videos? Then go ahead and
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hope you will help us reach that goal!

#NorthernLuzonRoadTrip #IlaganJapaneseTunnel #ChocolateHills #CagayanValley #BuntunBridge
#Tuguegarao #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, November 16, 2019

This is our Philippines – How I met my Filipina Wife – A Filipina Love S...

How did I actually meet my beautiful Filipina Wife?
This is our Filipina Love Story! This is how an American and a Filipina met and
fell in love while thousands of miles away from either of their homelands.
Thank you for watching our love story!
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#EXPATMeetsAFilipina #MeetingAFilipina #NotExcitedToTell #FilipinaLoveStory #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, November 14, 2019

This is our Philippines – Stocking the Sari Sari Store

If you find yourself walking down the rural
streets of the Philippines, you are likely to come across a Sari Sari Store.
What is a Sari Sari Store? In Tagalog, Sari Sari means “variety” or
“everything”. These are usually a family run convenience store found on almost every
street corner in the Philippines. Most houses on a main street might have one
of these sari sari stores attached to the house.
Our store is a little different in that we
built it for people to actually come in and choose what they want without handing
it through a little window. Not only are we a one stop shop providing the local
barangay with everything from daily food necessities to cleaning supplies but we
tried to maintain a colorful, cultural icon that brings together the community.
We wanted a welcoming place, unlike many of the stores in town where it is
filled with people standing in long lines to get their groceries. 
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#FilipinoSariSariStore #NoWalangStock #WeHaveSomethingForAll #CheckoutNoLines
#MalysCountryMarket #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, November 9, 2019

This is our Philippines – Filipina Tries EXPAT’s Lechon Manok

Manok has a distinct taste in the Philippines. Deviate from that and you might
find yourself in an awkward situation while asking someone to do a taste test
for you. Filipinos can be very particular with what they like. Lechon Manok is
no exception. If it is not done to the standard of Sr Pedro or Andok’s, they
are not likely to say it is good. 
is the approving authority for all that I try to cook. If it is not to her
standards, it might not ever see our stove or grill again. I thought this came
out pretty good, but do agree if we had marinated the chicken longer it might
have been even better. The chicken did come off the grill nice and moist
inside. The outer layer was cooked like it should have been. I will say there
are a few tweaks I could make to have this taste even better.
that said, just check out who is still snacking on the lechon manok at the end
of the video! Left overs were never a question!  
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#LechonManok #CornellChicken #NewYorkFiremansChicken #RotisserieChickenGriller #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, November 7, 2019

This is our Philippines – EXPAT Cooks Lechon Manok – Cornell BBQ Style

Manok or spit-roasted chicken is a Filipino favorite. If you are in the
Philippines, you can bet your last peso you will find some, because lechon
manok is available almost everywhere. Chances are (unless you live way out in
the province) that there are several stalls near your place that sells this delicious
food and they all compete with each other in terms of quality and price.
Andok’s, Sr. Pedro, and Chooks-to-go are just some of the more popular names
when it comes to lechon manok.
what if you were from the US? What are your options if you start to crave for the
taste you remember from buying a BBQ chicken plate on the side of the road? I
am not sure what your favorite chicken was, but you will just not find it here
in the Philippines. It may not be as convenient as buying cooked lechon manok
in Cauayan, but I think I have found a great way to make it. Any volunteers for
a taste test? 
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#LechonManok #CornellChicken #NewYorkFiremansChicken #RotisserieChickenGriller #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, November 2, 2019

This is our Philippines – Bricks, Thirdy, a Hotdog and Chicken Feet

It may not be the most exciting
evening, but an evening at the house is never boring. There are always people
stopping for the Filipino BBQ, completing school projects or just sitting
around chatting.
Bricks is one of our neighbor’s
kids. His mother Beth is overseas right now. I hope she will get to see this
and maybe enjoy a little view from home. We look forward to when she will be
able to come back home and visit us at the store again as well.
Thirdy is another one of our
neighbors. His mother, Vina, has been a tutor for our family now for several
years. When she comes to teach the kids, sometimes Thirdy is along as well. He
enjoys the hotdogs off the grill.
If you have never tried a chicken
foot, you might be in for a treat. They are not the common BBQ you would find
in the US, but they are on every street corner in the evening in the Philippines.
Would you eat one? Do you think I would? Check out this video to see!  
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#StreetFoodIsTheBest #BricksandThirdy #HotdogsandChickenfeet #ItShouldBeYummy #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, October 31, 2019

This is our Philippines – Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa School Celebration

Buwan ng Wikang is a celebration
the Philippines held
during the month of 
August . This
is an extended celebration of 
Language Week which was extended on January
1997 through Proclamation Number 1041 by former
Fidel V. Ramos . Language
Month is often celebrated in schools. 
In addition, many events are held to
celebrate it, such as recitation, slogan-making, essays, reciting poems,
dancing folk dances and singing folk songs. They even have a contest to see who
can come up with the best native costume made with recyclable material. Megan
participated in this contest for her class. She was the top one in her class.
A big thank you to all those that
helped come up with the idea and sat up pulling leaves and pasting them on the
dress. Maly, Hazel, Marissa and Vina all did a great job! Megan really looked
maganda in her dress!
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#BuwanngWikang #HandmadeDresses #AllNaturalBeauty #IpilIpilDress #LivinginthePhilippines

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This Is Our Philippines Celebrating 50 Years

Someone is turning the big 5-0, and
you all sent perfect happy 50th birthday wishes through Face Book post and
other ways! You all know how to make it feel as if fifty is my all-time favorite

With one foot just out of the
forties, and the other foot not quite over the hill, no two 50-year-olds are
alike. That’s what makes 50 so interesting. Some still strive to be forever
young, while others have settled into their skin, and still others are wondering
who the heck that is in the mirror. Some still see an exciting journey ahead,
some are exactly where they want to be, and others are coasting toward
retirement. Some are celebrating, some are commiserating, and some are denying
it all together.
Me, I am just looking forward to
what life has to bring in the next half century! It has been an extremely wild
adventure up to this point! I am sure there is more to come! Hopefully it will
be just as good as the past 50 years!
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#OctoberBirthdays #TheBig50 #OnlyAsOldAsYouFeel #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, October 26, 2019

This is our Philippines – An Afternoon at School – It Should Be Yummy

“It should be yummy” they said! If
you are ever caught waiting on kids at school in the Philippines, you might
find yourself being served almost anything as a snack.
Today the ladies made a bowl of pancit
canton. That is usually pretty good to eat just by itself. But then they
brought out the rolls! They cut open the rolls and put the pancit inside the
rolls like a pancit sandwich! I kid you not!
Come and check it out to see for
yourself! Was it yummy? You will have to watch to find out!
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#WaitingShedMoms #Pancit #TheyPutItOnARoll #ItShouldBeYummy #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, October 24, 2019

This is our Philippines – An Afternoon at School – Moms are Waiting

In the Philippines it is a little
different when waiting on your kids at school. The moms or other relatives
actually do “wait” on their kids at the school. If you ever go to a school
here, you will find the moms, grandmas, nannies or even a grandpa or two
waiting on their children. Schools have these waiting areas where these people
will sit all day waiting on their kids.
Breaks and lunches are not organized
as they are in the States. The kids are released from their classes and that is
why the moms sit here. They take care of the children during these times rather
than the teachers.
They use this time to catch up on
the weekly chika-chika, deals going on around town or even celebrate birthdays
and such. You never know what you will find going on in these waiting areas
until you come spend the day in one.
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#WaitingShedMoms #NoBusLine #SchoolPickup ##LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, October 17, 2019

This is our Philippines – I Love A Rainy Night – Maly is Soaking Wet

Rainy nights don’t have to be all
that bad. Hearing the rain on a tin roof can be very relaxing. There are even
videos out there that have nothing but the sound of rain falling on a tin roof
as part of meditation videos.
But rain on a tin roof can also be
very loud. When we are in the back area of our house we use as a “dirty
kitchen”, the rain hitting the roof can be so loud we can hardly hear a
conversation between ourselves.
In the video, we will show what the
difference is between having a drop-down ceiling compared to an open roof. The
noise difference might surprise you.
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#ILoveARainyNight #RainyNight #RainOnATinRoof #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, October 12, 2019

This is our Philippines – Filipina Pedicure and Manicure – Gettin Pretty...

I think everyone should like to have
pretty fingernails and toe nails. I think because almost all the people here
wear tsinelas (flip-flops) they are more apt to be pedicure oriented here than
in the good ole USA.
The cost of a combination manicure
and pedicure usually runs about 100 to 200PHP for home service. So even you are
very tight with a dollar, it is very affordable here. I never have a hesitation
when I ask if Maly wants to get her nails done. Getting a manicure or pedicure
is usually a time for socializing as well. Usually you can find out some good
information while getting your fingers and toes done.  
Just for laughs, many of the people
here can be heard referring to toes as fingers. You have the hand fingers and
foot fingers.
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#Pedicure #Manicure #HomeNailService #FarmerToes #WheresTheChainsaw #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, October 10, 2019

This is our Philippines – Rain Food and Smiles – Nilagang Baboy or Sabaw

Although the weather was wet and
dreary, you could not keep the spirits down around the house. The ladies
prepared a pot of pork sabaw (soup) which is also known as Nilagang Baboy. Nilagang
Baboy is a Filipino-style boiled pork rib soup perfect for the wet weather!
Made of fork-tender pork ribs, cabbage, beans, peppers and flavorful meat
broth, it’s delicious and filling!
Give this Filipino boiled pork soup
a try! It’s delicious on its own or served with steamed rice for a satisfying
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#BaboySoup #NilagangBaboy #Sabaw #RainyDayTreat 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

This is our Philippines – Lost in the Market – Can Maly find her way

Rain or shine we still have to get
our shopping done in the local market. As many times as Maly has been there,
you would not think she would get lost.
The kids stayed with Dolpho our
driver as we shopped. Carrying all the groceries does not help in making
videos. I tried to get a glimpse of what it is like and a price comparison to
what we pay for shrimp here in our market.
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#PalengkeTime #ImLost #LotsOfMoney #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, September 14, 2019

This is our Philippines – NAIA Terminal 3 – Gate Changes

Made it to NAIA Terminal 3! The
transfer over was not to bad. I did have to leave Terminal 2 though to make the
transfer. Luckily the traffic was not that bad on a Sunday. I would have loved
to been able to take the shuttle for PAL Air, but with my next flight being on
Cebu Pacific, I was not able to use the shuttle they provide.
In NAIA terminal 3, the gates can change
from time to time. On several occasions I have been sitting at a gate and at
the last minute it would change. If you are not paying attention, this might
cause you to miss your flight. The gate changed about 10 minutes prior to us
boarding for this flight. Once we heard the announcement, we had to rush
downstairs to get to the new gate.
I was able to catch the flight and
we took off for Tuguegarao. It was about an hour flight up to Tuguegarao from
Manila. We fly right over our house and Magat Dam on the way up. Sometimes I
wish they would just let me parachute out as we come across the house. That
would save me about 2 hours in actual travel time.
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#ThisIsOurPhilippines #NAIA #NAIATerminal3 #ManilaAirport
#CebuPacific #JuanforFun

Thursday, August 15, 2019

This is our Philippines – PLT Wellness and Mountain Resort – Walk Around

PLT Wellness and Mountain resort was
a nice little place to spend the weekend. We did not have much time and we
wanted to try out a place close by. This worked out well for a short weekend
Sammy and I took a walk down for the
little hotel area they had to the bottom of the hill. We saw swimming pools,
kubo huts and other things the resort had to offer. They even had a zipline at
one time I suppose, but it was not available for use this weekend. They also
had a bowling alley, but we missed that as well because of a huge thunderstorm that
came through. We just spent the evening in the hotel room.
There were basically 3 pools open
with the waterslides as well. The park really needs some attention done to it
to get it back up to a standard it might have once been. There was a lot of
construction on going, but the pools seemed to have been neglected a little.
There was still the slides that the kids did enjoy though.
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#PLTResort #WaterSlideFun #NuevaVizcayaResorts #LivinginthePhilippines

Sunday, August 11, 2019

This is our Philippines – Monday Thoughts – Plans for Being Home

Welcome to Monday everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend
with family and friends!
What are your plans for being at home? I am not one to
usually talk about future plans when going home, but I am just excited this
time around.
Watched a video from a new friend on YT, Texas Filipino and
they have beaten me to a video I was excited to be doing this coming trip home.
You will have to check out their Cajun Shrimp Boil video to see what I am
talking about. The link to their video will be in the show more section. I will
still post mine once we make ours! I guarantee!
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would also love to see a comment from you. We enjoy interacting and conversing
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Thank you all for watching and we hope you have a great

#MyPIDream #TexasFilipino #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, August 10, 2019

This is our Philippines – PLT Wellness and Mountain Resort – The Arrival

“We want to go to a pool with water
slides”. That was the requirement for us to find a weekend getaway close enough
to the house we could enjoy for the weekend from the kids. We did a little
search online for resorts in our area and we found the PLT Wellness and
Mountain Resort. We saw in the pictures it met the requirement from the kids
that it at least have water slides.
PLT is a wellness and mountain
resort that has a blend of fun and nature. There are several pools and several
other activities that are included. We spent the majority of our time at the
pools and sliding on the water slides.
We also rented a kubo to use for our
meals. We cooked and prepared all our meals while we were there. They had your
typical charcoal grills and outdoor cleaning areas where you could wash your
plates and cooking utensils.
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#PLTResort #WaterSlideFun #NuevaVizcayaResorts #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, August 8, 2019

This is our Philippines – SPECIAL– Breakfast with King James

It is not very often in my line of
work that I get to go out and enjoy a meal in a restaurant. They are very far
and few to choose from besides your normal Pizza Hut or Subway. So when I do
get a chance, I thought I would share it with you as well.
On this particular day, I was at the
Kabul Area International Airport (Military Side) waiting on a ride back to my
normal location. The King James is a well-known restaurant to the contractors
and military personnel that come through here. You ask most people about this
place and they will mention the King James to you.
When you are a long way from your
favorite morning dinner, the King James will satisfy your longing for a good
home cooked breakfast. I talked myself into the steak and eggs after a short
debate. Although the steak was a little more than medium, it was alright. It
was not as tough as I thought it might be either. All in all, it was a decent
breakfast considering where we are at.  
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#KingJames #NotYourNormalRestaurant #EatingInAWarZone #LivinginthePhilippines 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

This is our Philippines – Monday Thoughts – Welcome Back

Welcome to Monday everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend
with family and friends!
If you haven’t noticed already, 2 vloggers have recently
returned to the Philippines. It was good to see videos from them once again.
You will have to watch the video to find out who they are!
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would also love to see a comment from you. We enjoy interacting and conversing
with our subscribers. By the way, if you have not subscribed, you can do so by
clicking that little button right there in the lower right-hand corner. Also,
if you would like to be notified once we post a video, just click that little
bell down there!
Thank you all for watching and we hope you have a great

#MyPIDream #PhilstoPhx #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, August 3, 2019

This is our Philippines – Lunch Time at Grandma's

Grandma invited us to lunch and that
is where we went! She loves to cook, and you can expect more than enough when
you arrive. She had chicken adobo, pakbet, fish, watermelon and of course there
was rice. Her little kubo outside makes for a great place to enjoy the
afternoon meal even if it is hot outside.
I am almost brought back to my
younger years in Alabama when we sit down to eat here in the Philippines. The
food maybe a little different, but in a way, it is the same. I remember sitting
at the big farm table with fried fish, fried chicken, okra and cornbread being
served. About the only thing missing would be the fresh sliced Big Boy tomatoes
and a large mason jar of sweet tea!
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#ChickenAdobo #FilipinoFood #TraditionalLunch #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, August 1, 2019

This is our Philippines – Tinikling – Filipino Traditional Dancing

Why is the dance called Tinikling?
Wondering how this type of dance got
its name? The Tinikling is said to be named after the long-legged bird called
the tikling in the Philippines.
This is the most popular and best
known of the Philippine dances and honored as the Philippine national dance.
The dance imitates the movement of the tikling birds as they walk between grass
stems, run over tree branches, or dodge bamboo traps set by rice farmers.
Dancers imitate the tikling bird's legendary grace and speed by skillfully
maneuvering between large bamboo poles. Tinikling means "bamboo
dance" in English.
The Tinikiling is considered a
national dance in the Philippines and almost every Filipino knows how to do it.
Since it’s a dramatic dance, it’s usually performed on special occasions like
traditional Filipino festivals or at school and theater performances. Some say
that this dance represents most Filipinos’ two main character traits: They’re
resilient and fun-loving.
Our video is of Sam and his
classmates, Chesley and Angelie learning the dance. It is not as easy as it
would seem. We even get special instructions and a demonstration by Grandma!
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#Tinikling #FilipinoDance #TraditionalDance #LivinginthePhilippines

Sunday, July 28, 2019

This is our Philippines – Monday Thoughts – Perks of the Job

Welcome to Monday everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend
with family and friends!
Singh is back with us this morning as we discuss some of the
perks you might receive if working on an overseas contract. Leave is one of the
first and foremost perks in my opinion. I think spending time with family when
you can is very important. You already spend most of the time away from them,
so any time you get off is a great advantage. When companies do not pay well
and have few vacations given, there is usually high turnover in those companies.
Make sure if you do get a job offer, you want to make sure
that what you have been told is in writing. If you do not see it, ask about it.
Do not wait until you are on ground and then say the recruiter promised you
this and that. It is too late then. Working schedules, living quarters, food
and health insurance are all important issues you should make sure are in the
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#OFWJobs #Perks #WorkingAbroad #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, July 27, 2019

This is our Philippines – Electric Repairs – The Connection

I am not an electrician by any means. It was sure good to
have someone come over that knows what they are doing to make the connection. I
am not a fan of being shocked.
Jerry and Dennis did a great job getting the electric hooked
up and back working again. They even had a little joking around to do while at
it! Who said Filipinos don’t have a sense of humor! Maybe it just takes around
220 volts to get it out of them! I just ain’t gonna touch that!  
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#Electricity #FilipinoLineMan #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, July 25, 2019

This is our Philippines – Electric Repairs – Don't Be Shocked

We have been trying to get the electric wiring to the house
replaced for awhile now. The thin wire we had would often short out during a
strong windstorm. It looked like this was just a temporary wire they had run
while building the house and never replaced it once the building was completed.
Now that we have the new pole with the rest of the electric from the house
running underground, we decided it was time to change this cable as well.
Dennis is a good person to know. He has a lot of connections
as well. When we discussed changing the wire out, he knew just the person to do
it. You do not want just anyone working on installing your electricity. He
called his brother-in-law who is actually a lineman for Ilseco. That is the
electric company for our area. He came bright and early to get started on this
You will notice the differences in the lines during the
video. I was very thankful to finally get this project completed. Now Maly can
burn all her lights and I will not be so worried about short outs all the time.
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#Electricity #FilipinoLineMan #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, July 20, 2019

This is our Philippines – Let’s Eat – The Grill at Sentro Streat

After dropping off the van to be serviced, Kuya and I head out for some lunch. Although we did have an appointment time, it would be a few hours for them to complete the service.

We took a tricycle into town to find a place to eat. We did not want to go to the usual places to eat. We did not want McDonalds, Jollibee or somewhere like that. The tricycle driver suggested a place called Sentro Streat. He said we would have several choices there to eat from.

Inside this Sentro Streat pavilion there were several places to eat. The place had a big area in the middle with tables and chairs set up. It also had a band stand that I am sure they could have live bands perform there. It was a cool little place.

We chose to eat at the grill. While waiting for our food, the owner Ronald came out to meet us. I think it was the fact I spoke English that thrilled him the most. We sat and chatted for a few minutes while our food was cooked. He was very interesting to chat with. His wife RJ did a good job with the food. We really enjoyed our meal there. Maybe the next time our van is serviced, I will try eating here again.

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#ThisIsOurPhilippines #TheGrill #SentroStreatFoodPark #Santiago #BBQ #BudgetMeal #LivinginthePhilippines

Thursday, July 18, 2019

This is our Philippines – Road time – Cauayan to Santiago

We drove down from Cauayan to
Santiago to get our van serviced. The ride down is a good ride on most days.
Like any adventure out on the roads in the Philippines you never know what you
might see.
I try to explain some of the trip
down since I was not the driver today. Kuya came along as we had some more business,
we wanted to take care of. Kuya knew the places we needed to go, so it is
always good to have him along. If I am not at home, Kuya is the driver Maly
uses to get the kids back and forth to school and all her other needs for a
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Thank you all for watching and we
hope you have a great week!

#Cauayan #Santiago #PhilippineHighway #EXPAT #LivinginthePhilippines #ADVENTUREPAMORE

Saturday, July 13, 2019

This is our Philippines – Lechon Manok at Maly’s Country Market

All I have to say is WOW! That is some amazing Lechon Manok! The taste of the grill while still having that rotisserie juiciness! That is way better than the chicken we were getting in town!

We bought baskets to use on the chicken griller. This allows us to butterfly the chicken. We go ahead prior to marinating it and slice it in half. I believe this allows the marinade to penetrate the chicken better. We try to have it marinated overnight so it is nice and spiced up prior to it going on the grill.

This was our first trial run with many more to come I am sure as we tweak the recipe for just that right flavor. We also need to work on getting the timings down for the cook. It is a trial by error at this point. The chickens have been very favorable though.

Maly is doing the chicken on a by order basis right now. We just do not have the customers for a nightly service. If you have not tried Maly’s Special Lechon Manok, give her a call an order one today! I can guarantee you will not be disappointed!

You can call or text your orders to +63-939-513-8987! Maly’s Country Market is located in Purok 3, Bustamante, Luna, Isabela!

If you have liked this video, kindly give us a thumbs up and share this video with a friend. We would also love to see a comment from you. We enjoy interacting and conversing with our subscribers. By the way, if you have not subscribed, you can do so by clicking that little button right there in the lower right-hand corner. Also, if you would like to be notified once we post a video, just click that little bell down there!

Thank you all for watching and we hope you have a great week!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

This is our Philippines – Kashias Chicken Griller Delivery

The day has arrived! Maly’s Country
Market finally has a Chicken Griller!

A big thank you to Kashia’s Food
Cart and Chicken Griller for the smooth transaction and for the delivery of the
chicken griller. I was not able to find anyone to make a griller for me in the
Cauayan area, so I contacted Kashia’s Food Cart and Chicken Griller in Manila
to have one made. They not only made it for us, but delivered it all the way
from Manila by themselves. I know from experience that this is a long drive! We
really appreciate the fact that they made this delivery and helped set it up.

We hope to be able to provide a
great alternative for the people in Bustamante and the surrounding areas for
some good home cooked lechon manok!
Call or text Maly with your orders!

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Thank you all for watching and we
hope you have a great week!

#KashiasFoodCartandChickenGriller #Grilling
#EXPAT #LivinginthePhilippines