Saturday, July 22, 2017

Pie Face Game - Put it back! June Trip VLOG 7

Come check out this funny game of Pie Face with us. First
you must spin the wheel to see how many times you have to turn the catapult. If
you are lucky and you perform your allotted clicks without getting pie faced,
you pass the game to the next individual.
Although Mama is a bit kuriput (cheap) with the use of the
cool whip, we all had a great time and many laughs. Watch as Sam, Matt, Megan
and even Tito Jerry get pie faced. Mama and Tita Salve somehow managed to avoid
the pie in the face. Stay young! You are never too old to have a little fun
with your family!

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life videos in the Cagayan Valley and Beyond. If you enjoyed this video please
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