Sunday, February 2, 2020

This Is Our Philippines Christmas 2019

'Twas the Night before Christmas, and all
through the house, not a creature was sleepin’, not even the mouse. Their
stockings were hangin’ from here and from there, with hope that their karaoke singin’
Saint Nick could bear!

The children were all runnin’, not one in their bed, while visions of X-Box and
Pikachu danced in their heads. And then there was Ma with friends and family, they
just settled down to eat pork belly! I rushed for my camera as I recall, maybe
a video could explain it all!

Christmas in the Philippines! It is
an experience you are not likely soon to forget! Carolers singing at your gate,
family gathering from miles around, meals at midnight, friends and neighbors
showing up early in the morning, gifts to be handed out and more food than anyone
really needs!
If you were up tracking Santa on the
NORAD site Christmas eve, you might have noticed a little delay when he reached
the Philippines! Upon approach, I am sure he was caught off guard by the
karaoke and other noises coming from our house. He had very little time to get
his sleigh unloaded at the house, but he did manage somehow! Mrs Claus was very
busy helping make sure everything was ready to go the next morning! Since the
party did not start until midnight, this lasted way into the wee hours of the
It seemed I had just laid down when
I heard such a clatter! Was that Saint Nick back on our tin roof? No, it was
neighbors and friends waiting at our back gate. You see as a Nino or Ninong, a
Tito or Tita or a Lolo and Lola, we have a tradition at the house that the kids
come from the neighborhood to receive their “treats” from us! It is really a
blessing for us to see all the smiles, hear the joyful voices and see the
excitement on all the faces.
Even the adults get a special treat
when they come by. Usually a store or an establishment will give out calendars
to their customers. This year Maly had t-shirts made and some coffee mugs to
hand out to those special customers that make Maly’s Store and Eatery what it
We eventually went back inside to
have our own little bit of Christmas. Everyone had gifts to open! All the kids
enjoyed being able to get their gifts and play with them! We even had a special
package that arrived from a very special Aunt in the States. Aunt Carolyn’s
gifts were really appreciated from this crowd! It gave the cousins some board
games to enjoy on a wet afternoon!
We hope you enjoyed spending
Christmas with This Is Our Philippines. Sorry to have extended it out another
month! Just think only 7 more to go until it is Christmas time in the
Philippines again!
If you like our videos and the
Filipino lifestyle, please like and share our videos. We would love to see more
viewers enjoying our channel. Also leave us a comment.
#ThisIsOurPhilippines #HolidaysInThePhilippines
#ChristmasDay #HereComeSantaClause #DiscoverLuzon #ExplorePhilippines #IBS

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