Sunday, May 26, 2019

This is our Philippines – Monday Thoughts – Why the Philippines

Reasons I fell in love with the Philippines
The People
When I first met anyone from the Philippines, they had a
smile on their face. It came as natural as their beauty. You could feel that laid-back
spirit they had right from the start. The Filipino people are friendly people
for the most part. You may find a bad apple or two as you would anywhere, but
for the most part they are very friendly.
The Filipino people are also hospitable. It is a trait characterized by heart-warming generosity
and friendliness exhibited to foreigners
and locals alike.
They will invite you into their home to visit for any
occasion. If invited in, you can be sure that you will be offered some sort of
merienda or maybe even a meal. They will often go out of their way to make
their visitors comfortable.
The Filipinos are also very family oriented. Filipinos put a
great emphasis on the value of family and being close to one’s family members. Children or young adults also show respect by putting
their elders' hands on their foreheads. This is known as mano po.
2)    The Language
Being in a foreign country
and trying to get around on your own can be daunting on its own. Add in the
factor you do not speak the local language and they cannot speak yours, it can
make it a miserable experience. The Philippines on the other hand have many
people that can speak English. Some may claim to get a nose bleed when trying
to communicate with you, but for the most part you can find someone that will
be able to assist you. Even out where we live away from the major hubs of
Manila or Angeles City, I can get by on my own if need be.
3)    Tropical Weather
Unless you are a polar
bear, the warm tropical weather of the Philippines is an added advantage to
living there. Sitting out in a kubo hut watching the sunset is something you
just cannot pass up. The year-round average temp in the Philippines is around
78 degrees. You can almost swim year-round here!
4)    Low Cost of Living
The cost for living in the
Philippines is still a lot cheaper than you would find elsewhere in the world.
If you are living on a retirement budget, you will get more bang for your bucks
in the Philippines. Housing cost whether you are building or renting are
considerably lower. If you do not mind the food in the Philippines, you can get
budget meals costing less than a dollar. There are many roadside stands that
sell these meals. Along with that, there is an abundance of fresh fruits and
vegetables available.
Yes, Christmas! If you
don’t love Christmas, then you might not like the Philippines! They celebrate
the Christmas season for all months ending in BER. So for 4 months, you will
see lights being displayed, Christmas music being played and gatherings to
attend. As Christmas day approaches, the carolers will begin to show up at your
gate serenading you and your family with carols. I am not a Grinch so I love it
all! The joyous attitude of the Filipinos during this time is just contagious.
These are just a few
reasons I love the Philippines. I guess you could call it a top 5 list. There
are plenty of other reasons I am sure you could mention as well.
#MondayThoughts #EXPAT #LivinginthePhilippines

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