Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Junior and the Kano Selling Balut - A Philippine Province Living Experie...

Junior and I try to sell balut in our Barangay. Balut is a delicacy
here in the Philippines. What is balut you may ask? Well it is an almost
fully-formed duck fetus cooked in its own egg. Balut is boiled and eaten from
the shell. It originated from and is commonly sold as street food in the

It is not uncommon to hear the pitched voice of the balut
salesman as he walks through the neighborhood imploring would be buyers with
his constant “baaaluuut! Baaaaluuut” during the evening hours. You will see in
the video Junior is quite good with this. I on the other hand get asked to give
away the balut free “libre” or to do a two for one sale. Neither of these are
good when you need to make every sale you can.

Junior has his regular customers that are there waiting on
him nightly to make his rounds. Some of these customers claim it is good for
the knees. It is rumored that eating balut is good for the male stamina at
night. I have no medical or personal experience to back up this claim.
All in all it was a fun experience I will not soon forget.
If not for the selling of the balut, it is also good exercise and a good way to
meet some of the neighborhood people.

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