Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Kano Tries Eating Bault – Should You Eat What You Sell?? – Philippin...

What a fun experience it was to go through the barangay
selling balut. Each and every person has their own story to tell about why they
eat this delicacy. They know how to choose the best one and they search the
bucket for just the perfect balut.

To be an honest salesman, you should be willing to eat the
food you sell. How many times have you gone to a restaurant and wondered if the
chef would eat his own cooking? Well, I did tell everyone that this balut we
were selling was “ang sarap sarap”. Little did they know, I had never eaten
balut in my life.

Everyone said it was "ang sarap sarap". They told
me it would make me strong! They if I wanted a good one to find one that was
big and round. I was assured it would help my knees be strong!
All these qualities in this one little egg. What could go
wrong? You will have to watch to see if I would pass my fear factor test and
eat balut for the first time in the Philippines!

So, when we got back to the house, we had a few friends over
enjoying the nice weather outside. Grandma Anabel was there and she claims to
be a renowned balut eater. Junior was busy and he could not be there to show me
how to eat this delicacy. So it was me and Grandma!

We got off to kind of a rocky start. When cracking the
balut, you should crack it on the hollow end. This holds all the juice from the
egg. It is like a broth once it has been boiled. Well needless to say, my egg
was cracked on the wrong end to start with.

I quickly managed to crack the other end. When I did, the
juices started to flow out the first end I cracked. I placed my finger over the
hole I had made to start with and turned the egg up to drink the juice. It was
really not that bad. It did taste like a chicken broth soup if I were to tell
you what I thought of it.

Now comes the fun part. Peeling away the rest of the outer
shell and exposing the “chick” inside. I guess I am glad it was dark and I
could not see it. It probably made it a lot easier for me to eat. Once I got
the shell off, we sprinkled it with a little salt and away it went! I was
expecting the worse, but actually it was not that bad. There were not many
feathers to deal with and the yolk covered up any taste there might have been.

I now have tried balut. Would I try it again? Hmmm… I am
still undecided on that. But if it were to go as the first time did, I guess my
answer would have to be yes.  

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