Saturday, December 9, 2017

Tortang Talong – From Garden to Plate – This is Our Philippines

Maly had made a garden out beside the store with the help of
Tina. They had grown a good planting of eggplants. There is no better way to
enjoy eggplant than to make you some tortong talong out of it. The best way to
do this is grill it first.

Maly went out and gathered a bunch of eggplants in the
morning. She had quite a few by the time she finished picking them all. With
Grandma and Ellen over, we decided we would make tortong talong out of a few of
these eggplants.

First, we started the grill so we could char the eggplants a
bit. These are done over a high heat turning often to keep them from burning.
As they cooked the out skin would brown. You don’t want to leave these on too
long, but long enough for the skin to become soft enough to peel off.

You then take them inside (or wherever you decide to peel
them) and let them cool for just a few minutes. You do not want to try and peel
them while they are hot off the grill. Just give them a few minutes to cool

You must take all the skin off the eggplants. This is simple
and easy to do. The skin just peels away. Just be careful here as the eggplants
can be slippery.

Once the egg plants have been peeled, you want to make up an
egg wash to dip the egg plants in. This is just eggs, salt, Ajino Moto (unless
you prefer not to use this flavor enhancer), pepper and Maly’s special ingredient
from her child hood, onion tops finely chopped.

To the egg wash you dip in the egg plants and fully cover
them. You can do this prior to getting out your pan and heating it up. You want
to add just a little oil to your pan to coat the bottom of it. If using a none
stick pan, you could omit this part.

The eggplants are dredged through the egg mixture and then
put into the frying pan. At this point it is basically like cooking an egg
omelet or pancake. You just watch your sides to make sure the egg mixture gets
cooked. You will need to flip over the eggplant at least once during the

And there you have it folks! Tortong talong! Brought right
from the garden to your plate!

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