Thursday, May 30, 2019

This is our Philippines – 12 Hour Bus Ride – Victory Liner

Victory Liner is one of the
largest bus transportation providers in the 
Philippines, servicing all key destinations in Northern
and Central Luzon. It is one I have taken several times between Cauayan and
Manila and vice versa. It is not the fastest mode of transportation, but it
gets you where you need to go if in a pinch.
After getting from the
airport via jeepney and train, the bus was the last part of my adventure
getting to the house this last time. I arrived at the bus terminal around 1245
that afternoon. There was one deluxe bus leaving at 1PM. I was hoping to catch
that bus if possible. I was not sure if I would make it as the people in front
of me were taking their time making their purchases. It seemed like they would
never get finished. As I finally approached the counter, the last calls were
being made for the departure of the bus.
I managed to get the last
seat that was sold. All tickets are given a seat number and that is your
assigned seat for the trip. It is supposed to be that every passenger has a
ticket and a seat. Sometimes there are people getting on at other places and it
becomes standing room only as well. I was sure glad I would not have to be
standing the whole 12 hours up to Cauayan.
The trip is supposed to take
around 10 to 12 hours from Manila. They make 3 stops with the deluxe bus along
the way for bathroom breaks and for getting snacks. The stops are in Tarlac,
Santa Fe and Santiago. At these stops you will find vendors selling food and
other snacks you can purchase to eat there or bring back on the bus with you.  
Other times you might have a
vendor jump on the bus at one point and sell his goods as the bus goes up the
highway. The vendors could be selling fruits, roasted peanuts, fried pork rinds
or any other variety of snacks. Sometimes they can be quite entertaining as
they try to sell their items.
I only got video up to Santa
Fe. As darkness fell, the rest of the ride was dark and wet. We finally arrived
in Cauayan around 1230AM. It was a very late night for Mama and the kids, but
they were there in Cauayan to meet me on the arrival.
#VictoryLiner #ManilatoCauayanbybus #PhilippineBusses #EXPATTravel

Sunday, May 26, 2019

This is our Philippines – Monday Thoughts – Why the Philippines

Reasons I fell in love with the Philippines
The People
When I first met anyone from the Philippines, they had a
smile on their face. It came as natural as their beauty. You could feel that laid-back
spirit they had right from the start. The Filipino people are friendly people
for the most part. You may find a bad apple or two as you would anywhere, but
for the most part they are very friendly.
The Filipino people are also hospitable. It is a trait characterized by heart-warming generosity
and friendliness exhibited to foreigners
and locals alike.
They will invite you into their home to visit for any
occasion. If invited in, you can be sure that you will be offered some sort of
merienda or maybe even a meal. They will often go out of their way to make
their visitors comfortable.
The Filipinos are also very family oriented. Filipinos put a
great emphasis on the value of family and being close to one’s family members. Children or young adults also show respect by putting
their elders' hands on their foreheads. This is known as mano po.
2)    The Language
Being in a foreign country
and trying to get around on your own can be daunting on its own. Add in the
factor you do not speak the local language and they cannot speak yours, it can
make it a miserable experience. The Philippines on the other hand have many
people that can speak English. Some may claim to get a nose bleed when trying
to communicate with you, but for the most part you can find someone that will
be able to assist you. Even out where we live away from the major hubs of
Manila or Angeles City, I can get by on my own if need be.
3)    Tropical Weather
Unless you are a polar
bear, the warm tropical weather of the Philippines is an added advantage to
living there. Sitting out in a kubo hut watching the sunset is something you
just cannot pass up. The year-round average temp in the Philippines is around
78 degrees. You can almost swim year-round here!
4)    Low Cost of Living
The cost for living in the
Philippines is still a lot cheaper than you would find elsewhere in the world.
If you are living on a retirement budget, you will get more bang for your bucks
in the Philippines. Housing cost whether you are building or renting are
considerably lower. If you do not mind the food in the Philippines, you can get
budget meals costing less than a dollar. There are many roadside stands that
sell these meals. Along with that, there is an abundance of fresh fruits and
vegetables available.
Yes, Christmas! If you
don’t love Christmas, then you might not like the Philippines! They celebrate
the Christmas season for all months ending in BER. So for 4 months, you will
see lights being displayed, Christmas music being played and gatherings to
attend. As Christmas day approaches, the carolers will begin to show up at your
gate serenading you and your family with carols. I am not a Grinch so I love it
all! The joyous attitude of the Filipinos during this time is just contagious.
These are just a few
reasons I love the Philippines. I guess you could call it a top 5 list. There
are plenty of other reasons I am sure you could mention as well.
#MondayThoughts #EXPAT #LivinginthePhilippines

Saturday, May 25, 2019

This is our Philippines – Trains in Manila – The MRT / LRT

It was a quick jeepney ride to the MRT/LRT station on EDSA.
A little walk up some stairs and I was at the ticket booth. People we jammed
packed waiting to get tickets, but it actually did not take that long.
Different lines for different stations made it easier to get the ticket I
needed. I did have to ask the security guard which station I should get off at
for the bus station.
We followed along as we were herded to the train. Guys to
the left, ladies to the right. I am not sure what difference that really made. The
train was packed full and we took off! It was not really that long a ride and
we made it to our stop without any issues. I think the whole trip from the
airport up to the bus station was less than an hour. I know the bus left at 1PM
and I made it to catch that bus!  
#MRT/LRT #ManilaTrains #AviodEDSATraffic #ManilaTraffic 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

This is our Philippines – The Manila Jeepney Ride

Back in Manila! A long way from where I wanted to be at this
time. As the weather did not let us land, we returned to Manila to try and find
other means of transportation to get us to our final destination. All flight to
Tuguegarao and Cauayan were cancelled due to the weather. The next available
flight would not be until 4-5 days out. I just could not wait that long to get
The journey home has now gone from one hour by plane, to
catching a bus that will take about 12 hours to reach the house. Although I am
not a frequent traveler to Manila and definitely not a jeepney rider, this was
a new adventure for me. I was not wanting to get a taxi because of the cost.
They are very expensive from the airport to the bus terminal in Sampoloc. I had
to trust my instincts and find the jeepney to get me to the MRT/LRT.
I started out by crossing over the Runway Manila Walkway
Bridge. This connects NAIA terminal 3 to the area where Resorts World is
located. It is often better to take this route to get a taxi even. I knew the
jeepneys on that side of the road made the trip to the MRT/LRT stations on
I was lucky enough to find a jeepney pretty quick. It had
just pulled up and I was one of the first passengers. I even got lucky enough
to sit in the front along with the driver and another rider. We made our way
through the Manila traffic by way of Baclaran along Roxas Boulevard. It did not
take to long though and before I knew it, we were at the MRT/LRT station.
I was a little cautious pulling my camera out to video. I am
not a professional at this video making yet and I would get a little nervous
while in a crowed area. Manila is always crowded so I got what video I could
along the way. Hope you will enjoy the ride. 
#Jeepney #ManilaTraffic #EXPATTravel

Sunday, May 19, 2019

This is our Philippines – Monday Thoughts – Budgets

It is Monday May 20, 2019! I hope everyone had a great
weekend! I hope you spent your time with family and friends wisely and made a
lot of good memories.
Electric in the Philippines really became an issue last
month. After hearing some others complain about the cost, I knew it was not our
house only that had this increase. I am talking a significant increase from the
month prior. I am talking about almost a 100USD increase in our bill. I was
totally shocked when Maly told me the cost. Sure, we use a lot of electrical
items both in the house and store, but that is a big increase. Hopefully we
will see a little decline this month. Word in the news is that the cost per KW
hour will go down a little. Still electric is expensive in the Philippines.
We also discuss why there are no monthly cost of living
videos on our channel. I feel it would just not be fair as I can only give a
partial view of our budget. When I am home, usually we do some extra spending
on things that will last over the 3 months while I am gone. If I were to post a
grocery bill from one of those trips, you would be very surprised at the least.
Usually these trips consist of 4-5 trolleys full of meats (the most expensive),
cleaning supplies and other items that have good shelf life. The cashiers all
try to look the other way, but this is not Walmart we shop at and we get
checked out pretty easily.
#PhilippineBudgets #ElectricityinthePhilippines #EXPATBudget

Saturday, May 18, 2019

This is our Philippines – Cebu Pacific Flight 5J196 to Cauayan Aborted L...

Today was supposed
to be a great day flying to more fun! The flight from Manila to Cauayan takes
about an hour to reach there. The flight was to depart Manila around 7AM and
arrive to Cauayan at 8. Check in went smoothly and we were ready to depart. The
skies in Manila showed a mostly sunny day with a few passing clouds. We boarded
the plane and prepared for takeoff.
As we were flying
you could see the clouds below beginning to thicken. As that is the case on a
lot of flights, it did not really bother me. There were breaks in the clouds
here and there and the flight was going smooth.
As we made our
approach to Cauayan, you could tell it had been raining and the clouds were
thick as we were making our approach. About the time we thought we should be
landing the engines on the plane picked up and you could tell we were not
The approach to
Cauayan is a line of sight approach. If the pilot cannot see the runway, he
will abort the landing and return to Manila for everyone’s safety. This was
confirmed when the pilot announced over the speaker that he had aborted the
first landing, but would retry again to see if he could get a visual on the
second approach.
We all sat by and
anxiously awaited the second attempt. As we approached, you could tell looking
out the window of the plane it was not going to be easy finding the runway. You
could not see a thing with the thickness of the clouds. Then, just as before on
the first attempt, you could hear the whining of the engines as we began our
accent back to flying altitude and for the return trip to Manila. Landing
I am thankful for
the pilot and his decision to not put us all in harm’s way by trying to be a hero
and land the plane in these conditions. He made the right choice, though it
would mean a longer journey for us to get home. Sometimes, you just have to
smile and be happy you have another day to Fly to More Fun!
By the way, I am NOT
in the Philippines today! This is video from my last trip home!    
#AbortedLanding #CebuPacific #FlytoMoreFun

Thursday, May 16, 2019

This is our Philippines – NAIA TERMINAL 3 ARRIVAL

Mabuhay and
welcome to Manila! Terminal 3 must be my most favorite of the terminals in
Manila. For the most part it is easy to get around in and it has been vastly
improved over the last few years.
When you arrive,
you go straight to the immigrations counter where you will proceed to get your
passport stamped on arrival. As with any airport, the use of a camera is
strictly prohibited here.
Down stairs is the
luggage carousel if you have checked bags. Again, everything is pretty well
marked and finding the right place to pick up your bags is not that difficult.
I hardly ever travel with carry on luggage, so I thought I was on my way.  The customs personnel were not happy with my
video being made, so I had to shut it off for a little bit.
On the outside you
will find yourself in a sea of people. There are taxis and buses outside if
that is your means of transportation or you are staying in Manila. If you walk
down to the far-right side, you will find they have put up a lot of shops and
eating establishments now. You are sure to find something you might like to
tide you over until you get to your final destination.
Up stairs they
have a food court. Also, on this level you will find the Runway Manila. It is
the walk way over to Resorts World area and all it has to offer. If on a short
layover, this is the way to go if staying in this area. Do not go outside and
try to get a taxi at the airport. Simply walk across the bridge and you are on
the opposite side of the road. To get back to the airport (if flying from T3,
simply walk back across the bridge.  
By the way, I am NOT
in the Philippines today! This is video from my last trip home!    
#Mabuhay #NAIATerminal3 #ManilaAirport  

Sunday, May 12, 2019

This is our Philippines – Monday Thoughts

Let’s just have a Monday morning chat! What better way to start a week off than spending it with you?

We would like to first recognize and say congratulations to all the mothers out there. Yesterday was Mother’s Day and we want you all to know we appreciate all the work you do.

Secondly, it is election day in the Philippines. Chose wisely whom you will to be your senators and other leaders over the next few years.

Thirdly, where have all the viewers gone? We have not lost subscriptions, but the viewers have dropped dramatically. We are barely getting 100 views on a video. Your comments would be appreciated. I know we do not produce cinemograph quality videos, but we would hope you like some of the events we share.   

#ThisIsOurPhilippines #HappyMothersDay #PhilippineElection2019 #WherearetheViewers #Homesick

Saturday, May 11, 2019

This is our Philippines – A Mother’s Job is Never Done

Being away from home is never easy. There is so much that goes on while I am away. School activities, Christmas celebrations, birthday celebrations, trips and construction projects. Maly is always there to make sure that things run smoothly.

Maly is a very special woman. She is completely dedicated to everything she puts her mind to. Motherhood is no exception. She has given her all to ensure our children are given the best care possible and can have the opportunities to grow into fine young men and a little lady.

Motherhood is probably one of the hardest and most under appreciated jobs anyone can take on. It is 24/7 work for 365 days a year. For all they do, it is almost sad we only find time to recognize the labor and hard work they do only once a year.

Thank you for all you do and I hope you have a great Mother’s Day!

I hope you will enjoy reflecting back over the past several months while I have been away. This is the life I see through Maly's eyes!

#ThisIsOurPhilippines #HappyMothersDay #MissingthePhilippines #Homesick

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Baler to Dinadiawan – Traveling back through Aurora – This is our Philip...

On our way back to
Cauayan, we decided to just take a quick peek to see the Dinadiawan Beach. This
looked like a very nice beach with a nice white sand from what we saw. It would
almost remind you of a beach in Florida.
Although we were
not able to find a place to stay here this weekend, we will be back one day I
am sure. It has a few resorts if they are not full. We would like to be able to
stay here on the beach at some point in the future.
From what I have
read on line, you should be prepared for limited amenities while trying to stay
in this area. WIFI and restaurants are far and few between. You might be able
to squeeze in an airconditioned room if you are lucky.
I think this would
be a great place to camp for the weekend. There was even one resort that
catered to this with the “new” glamping experience. I thought that would be fun
to try. Maybe one day we can do this!
#Dinadiawan #DinadiawanBeach #DestinationAurora #Baler #Aurora #Roadtrip

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Dreams of Crabs and Swimming – Exploring Baler, Aurora – This is our Phi...

Enjoying a night swim at the SeaSta resort. The kids really
enjoyed their time here. The pool was open until 10PM each night and they sure
made use of that time. The pool also had changing colored lights that made the
ambiance enjoyable to just sit out by it in the big lounge chairs and watch the
Although there was a restaurant, we had gone into town
earlier in the evening to buy crabs and fish. We found a place outside the
market that had fresh seafood cooked and it was a takeout menu as well. Maly,
Anabel and Marissa were happy to sit and enjoy this wonderful food. They used
our small stove to cook the rice they needed, and the feast was on.
#ThisIsOurPhilippines #SeaStaBeachResort #NightSwimming

Thursday, May 2, 2019

SeaSta Beach Resort – Exploring Baler Aurora – This is our Philippines

We really had no
place to stay in mind when beginning our trip. We just thought we would drive
along until we found a place we liked. We had stopped in a few places along the
way, but being it was a holiday weekend, most places were full. As we checked
in the last place in Dinadiawan, we were told to keep driving that more resorts
were down the road. Little did we know, that we were going in an opposite
direction than what the resort for Dinadiawin were in.
Down from Dinadiawan
to Baler it is about 60KM. That would not be too far, but again the road was a
curvy mountain road hugging the coast line. It was a beautiful ride, but it
took a little over an hour and a half to reach Baler. This is where we would
begin to see resorts again.
We actually drove
through Baler and missed the turn off to the main beach of Sabang which might
have had some resorts there. We were not sure where we were going but ended up
finding this little resort along the road called SeaSta Beach resort.
It was a very nice
resort and very clean. The rooms were spacious enough to accommodate all of us
that came along on this trip! The rooms all had AC and the shower had hot water
to boot! That was basically all we were looking for. Oh, and there was free
WIFI which the kids enjoyed almost as much as the pool! The ambiance with the
wooden structures and palm trees made it very relaxing. The fresh breeze coming
off the ocean and the shade from the trees made it a comfortable stay.
We would
definitely come back here to stay if we were in the Baler area again.

#BalerFishermansPort #Baler #Aurora #Roadtrip #PhilippineTravels