Saturday, May 11, 2019

This is our Philippines – A Mother’s Job is Never Done

Being away from home is never easy. There is so much that goes on while I am away. School activities, Christmas celebrations, birthday celebrations, trips and construction projects. Maly is always there to make sure that things run smoothly.

Maly is a very special woman. She is completely dedicated to everything she puts her mind to. Motherhood is no exception. She has given her all to ensure our children are given the best care possible and can have the opportunities to grow into fine young men and a little lady.

Motherhood is probably one of the hardest and most under appreciated jobs anyone can take on. It is 24/7 work for 365 days a year. For all they do, it is almost sad we only find time to recognize the labor and hard work they do only once a year.

Thank you for all you do and I hope you have a great Mother’s Day!

I hope you will enjoy reflecting back over the past several months while I have been away. This is the life I see through Maly's eyes!

#ThisIsOurPhilippines #HappyMothersDay #MissingthePhilippines #Homesick

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